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Wildersmith on the Gunflint - June 8, 2018

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by     Fred Smith     June 8, 2018    

Our stickiness of May’s last days is a distant memory. Conditions along the Trail have dropped back into the “cool” of the north beginning with this weeks’ scoop. Thank goodness as a little of the hot and humid gets old pretty quick!                                                                                     
Residents and businesses out this way are thankful for the more tolerable temps but even more, so because our arid ways have been squelched with several droppings from the heavens. In fact, our first weekend of the new month was quite soggy. Most likely the weather was not the best for early season vacationers, paddlers or anglers, but for those of us on edge due to wildfire danger, we’re smiling in spite of cold, dreary conditions.                                                                                                                                                             
The thirsty earth has been gobbling up every raindrop. All of this recent fountain of life will be put to good use as the deciduous forest finishes leafing out, and coniferous cousins are sending this seasons’ shoots skyward. The last of our “green-up” extravaganza is observed in sugar maples. “Mother Natures” exercise in shading the wilderness landscape is now complete, and the natural world is on to weeks of a summer fling.                                                                                                              

Whereas busy lives don’t often allow for contemplation of many simple, natural things going on about us, I spent some quiet time recently, watching our leafy tokens react in a blustery morning wind. While you might think I don’t have enough to do, I find many interesting goings-on in the forest by just letting my senses respond to creations’ stimuli.                                              

In that regard, speaking of our newborn foliage, not only is every leaf species unique in shade, shape, and texture, each seems to have its own character when the wind sets it in motion. To mention a few, I noted some greenery shimmers/quakes; some spin; some turn their bottom sides up; some plane themselves out sunny side up; some flop from side to side and many others just bop around. All the while, they’re swishing some in-audible resonance and hanging on for dear life. It’s a summertime ode.                                                                                                                              

New colors are falling in line for the warm season parade. As the early yellows are fading, other tints of the spectrum have perked up. Right on schedule for the first of June, the pink of wild roses, baby-blue of forget-me-nots and muted red of columbine have spruced up the yard around Wildersmith. Meanwhile, I’m also seeing uncountable tiny white blossoms of wild strawberries. This is a really sweet time of the year.                                                                                           

The return to cool, and some moments downright cold has surely energized the fleet of hummingbirds in this neighborhood. I suppose they must be on the move to tank up as much as possible to stay warm. They are so excited I can barely hang out a fresh jar of sweetness without being swarmed. The other day while hanging the unit up, one of the brilliant ruby throats hovered within inches of my nose, certainly encouraging me to get out of the way.                   

The fox mentioned a few weeks ago, has apparently adopted the Smith’s. It’s not here every day but shows up frequently knowing I’ll throw it a scrap. It also has found enjoyment in the pursuit of squirrels hanging out around my wood shop door. The foxy guy has already caught one, and the other day I saw a red/orange blur go by my window as the fox flashed by chasing one of the rodents around the house. This time the squirrel made it up a tree in the nick of time.                                                                                                                                                                             
The Trail event calendar intensifies this weekend with the Boundary Waters Expo starting Saturday morning over on East Bearskin Lake. Then on Sunday the Gunflint Trail Historical Society holds its annual shrimp boil and bake sale fundraiser.                                                                                     

This happening takes place at the Seagull Lake Community Center beginning at 4:00 pm through 6 pm. John Schloot and his crew will be at the boiling pot as usual for this scrumptious touch of southern cuisine up north.                                                                                                                                  

A donation of $15 per plate is suggested, and you’ll need a few extra bucks to take home some of the baked goodies from the north woods kitchens. Don’t miss it!                                                                                                                                                                          

On a closing note, The GTHS will be having its first membership meeting of the summer on Monday, the 11th. The gathering will include the annual business meeting beginning at 1:30 pm in the Seagull Lake Community Center. After the business of recognizing Board of Trustees with expiring terms of service, there will be an election of new Board members.                              

The days’ program speaker will be Wayne Anderson, who will be “Taking A Walk Down Memory Lane” with reflections on iconic names and places during his many years of life along this scenic treasure. This will be more Gunflint Trail History in the making. Following Wayne’s presentation, treats will be served.                                                                                                                                                                                     

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, and some are even better!
