Wildersmith on the Gunflint - February 21
Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
February 21, 2020
The Gunflint Riviera heads into the last lap of month two this weekend. February has been no different than January with regard to its speedy advance.
Many out this way don’t seem to mind though with an eye toward spring. A good sign of spring thoughts comes from the gal with the “green thumb” on Loon Lake who shares’ she has garden seeds sprouting already, indoors of course. There’s still a good three feet of snow covering her planting plot.
It’s easy to get excited as the power of “Sol” grows with each passing day, and daylight minutes are keeping us lit up after five o’clock these days. However, it’s reasonable to expect “old man winter” could burst our bubble of spring anticipation over the next sixty days or so. Even if the “old guy” heads off for spring break, there’s still tons of snow and ice to melt, and the “mud season” to muck up the spirit until the green of re-birth buds out.
In the meantime, while a good share of border country winter has been milder than usual, the times since Valentine’s Day have been about the coldest of the season. A couple of mornings in the upper Trail territory found readings in the mid-thirty below zero range. At Wildersmith, the mercury shrunk to minus 34 twice and with exception of a day or so stayed pretty much below zero to barely single digits above for a few days.
While it’s warmer now, it just goes to show, the “old man of the North” cannot be fully dependable. In spite of the frigidity, the area has experienced some sparkling blue sky days in the past week, with only a smattering of lite snow during a couple night times and a light dose last Monday.
Speaking of sparkling clear days, the snowmobile drag races on Hungry Jack Lake were blessed with one last Saturday. It was a great day for energized drivers and fans on the great white track. It’s kind of an up north likeness to Daytona Beach. Race results for each class of engine can be found on the Cook County Ridge Riders Facebook page. The next big sledding challenge will be held on Poplar Lake Saturday the 29th.
A couple reports of moose activity came from the south shore of Gunflint and the North Shore of Loon Lake last week. There were no actual sightings, but plenty of tracks confirmed their presence. It’s unusual to have such activity along the Gunflint Lake shores, as they seem to favor other habitat areas of the Gunflint Forest. It is heartening to know they have been around because few have been reported much of anywhere thus far this winter.
A gal who ski’s pretty much daily, in the Loon to Crab Lake area, tells of recent moose activity where the big clod hoppers have played havoc with her groomed tracks. Maybe it’s the same animal exploring in unexpected locations.
The Smith’s experienced an array of visitors last Sunday. Both avian and fur bearing critters stopped in at one time or another. Of course if we had one blue Jay, we probably had a dozen, and Ms. Fox stopped by to sit on the deck awhile, longing for a chicken dinner, to which I obliged.
After the foxy departure, a pair of Pine Martens frolicked around the feeding stations also receiving a poultry treat. Having two Martens around at the same time usually ends up in a territorial tussle. It made me wonder if these two might have been close nesting partners, more than just genetic connections, since they spent cordial time together in the same feeder.
Next week at this time, the community voice of the North Shore/ Arrowhead region will be in the midst of their spring membership renewal. This important fund raising drive kicks off with a “Leap into Local Radio” for 2020, next Wednesday morning, February 26th.
Whereas one can leap into a snow bank out this way for only a few months each year, one can “leap into local radio” year around on this great station. But this must be secured periodically with on-going support from over thirteen hundred WTIP listener members.
So if you enjoy what this broadcast endeavor has been providing for over twenty years, now’s the time to take the “leap” anew or again, and join the WTIP family. The campaign runs until Monday noon, on March 2nd, don’t wait, be ready to re-up at the opening bell with your pledge of love for WTIP radio.
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, in a season of frozen wonders!