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West End News - April 19, 2018

West End News by Clare Shirley           April 19, 2018

Ice out seems to be the hot topic right now. Specifically, will it ever happen? My guess is yes, but maybe not in time for fishing opener on the bigger lakes. Sawbill lake is still sporting about 2 feet of ice with a foot of dense snow on top of that. Days just above freezing, with nights dipping into the low 20s, aren’t doing anything to help. It looks like spring will make a tentative reappearance next week so I remain hopeful that this is not, in fact, the beginning of the next ice age.

Our dear loons have started their migration north, only to find that their summer homes are still iced in. Loons farther south in the state have been found hypothermic and starving. If you see a loon or another waterfowl, in distress there are resource centers that can help them through the tough spring. Just be mindful, if you’re going to rescue a loon, toss a towel over its head first. They are bigger and faster than you might think and nobody wants a loon beak poking them in the eye. The rescue centers recommend placing these birds in a large cardboard box with a towel and keeping them warm. Some centers even have volunteer drivers who will come pick the birds up. Google is a good way to find the bird rescue center nearest you.

One benefit of this late coming spring is excellent snowy conditions for this weekend’s Midwest Extreme Snowmobile Challenge at Lutsen Mountains. This is the fourth annual event, taking place on April 21st and 22nd at Lusten. Saturday will feature the Hillcross and Hillclimb, from 9 am to 6 pm. Then you can dance off the chill with DJ Beavstar at Papa Charlie’s starting at 9. Sunday’s event is the Cross Country series, from 9 am to 4 pm. Tickets can be purchased by calling Lutsen. Spectator tickets include all-day access to the fancy Summit Express gondola. The viewing deck, food, and beverage service at the Summit Chalet will be open and ready. This is always a well-attended event, and a fun way to cap off your winter sports.

You should also mark your calendars for the annual Gala for the Grove. This lively event takes place each spring and is a wonderful night out in Tofte, supporting the Birch Grove Community School. This year the gala will be on Saturday, May 19. The champagne social starts at 5:30, a dinner and wine are served at 6:30, a live auction starts at 7:30, and the dance party starts at 9. For more information or to get your tickets, call the school at 663-0170. I’ll give some more details as the event draws near, but be warned that tickets are limited!

The Tofte township is reluctantly accepting the retirement of longtime Treasurer, Nancy Iverson. Nancy has done a great job keeping the township’s books on track and we are sad to see her go! Nancy hopes to make the May meeting her last as Treasurer so the supervisors are seeking applicants for the position. The Treasurer is a paid position, with minimal time commitments. It’s also a great way to stay connected to the current events in the township. Serving as treasurer is just one way you can help serve your community, if it sounds like a good fit for you, let the town clerk Barb Quade know. You can email her at [email protected].

For WTIP, I’m Clare Shirley, with the West End News.
