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Use caution with fire this fall

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The forecast is for beautiful weather through the weekend so it is a great time to get out and enjoy your national forests. A little rain is in the forecast, but the downed leaves may still be dry and fire is a possibility in state forests and Superior National Forest.

WTIP joins local forest managers in urging everyone to be extra careful when burning yard debris and with campfires at this time. Always use designated fire rings, and clear flammables away for at least 15 feet from your campfire.

Make sure all fires are completely extinguished before leaving it unattended. Remember that wind can carry sparks for a long distance.

While there are currently no special restrictions on campfires on the Superior National Forest, it is important to check on status before heading out into the woods. As weather, fuels, and fire risks change, restrictions may become necessary.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reminds everyone that burning permits are required anytime vegetation is burned during the snow-free season. Permits are available through state and federal forestry offices, township fire wardens, and online for a $5 annual fee.

For additional information and updates, please call the Superior National Forest Gunflint Ranger District at 218-387-1750.  The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources also shares wildfire information on its website.