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Two injured in motorcycle crash on Gunflint Trail

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Two people suffered non-life-threatening injuries in a motorcycle accident just before 5 p.m. Saturday, July 22.
Jacob Falk, 35, of Mound, Minn., was driving a 2009 Kawaski ZX600 south on the Gunflint Trail, near the water tower. With him was a female passenger, Christina Smith, 32, of Plymouth, Minn.
Falk was traveling at approximately 50 mph and attempted to pass another southbound vehicle. He entered the curve below the water tower and because of the high speed was unable to stay on the paved section of the road, ending up on the gravel shoulder. He lost control and the driver and passenger were thrown into the ditch.
Cook County Ambulance, Grand Marais Fire Department and First Responders were paged and both people were taken to North Shore Health by ambulance.
Neither party was wearing a helmet, but fortunately received non-life-threatening injuries. The driver said he was uninjured and the female passenger sustained injuries to her left leg and hip.
Falk was cited for careless driving.