Traffic stop in Schroeder area ends with man's suicide
A routine traffic stop in the Schroeder area ended in a man committing suicide this morning, Sunday, June 10.
At approximately 9:15 a.m., a Cook County Sheriff’s Office deputy attempted to pull a vehicle over for a speed violation east of Schroeder in the Temperance River area. The vehicle pulled onto the shoulder and slowed. The vehicle continued to drive forward at a very low rate of speed. Moments later, at approximately 9:17 a.m., as the vehicle was coming to a stop, the driver displayed a handgun and turned the weapon on himself.
As the deputy was coming to a stop, he witnessed the driver’s side window of the dark green Jeep shatter and the driver slump over in the vehicle. On approach of the vehicle, the 43-year-old male driver from Winsted, Minnesota, was found deceased from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
Inside the vehicle, a quickly-written, brief note with contact information for family members and an apology to the police was found.
The deceased’s family has been notified. It is unknown why the deceased was in Cook County, but it is believed that he had been camping out of his vehicle for last several days in the area.
An autopsy will be conducted by the Anoka County Medical Examiner. The Cook County Sheriff’s Office received assistance on scene from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Minnesota State Patrol and the US Border Patrol.