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County OKs new fees schedule
-Cook County Planning and Zoning officer Tim Nelson returned to the County Board with explanations for some fee increases proposed at a previous meeting.
Weekend News Wrap July 10
-Each weekend the WTIP news department produces a wrap-up of the week’s news. More on broadband, news on the PolyMet mine project, Local Government Aid woes and more in this report.
Grand Marais couple sentenced in sexual assault case
-The victim of sexual assault from a Grand Marais couple finally saw his assailants sentenced in Cook County District Court Wednesday.
Biomass energy use growing
-Ever wonder what biomass is, and why all the fuss? Well, energy from biomass is fast becoming the new oil, and there’s a rush to get in on the action, and the funding.
Mega-Project poses detours for North Shore travelers
-Work on the Duluth I–35 Mega–Project continues this week after a July 4 holiday break. The London Road corridor has narrowed down to a single lane between 24th and 32nd Avenues East.
Frogs and lily pads go together in the summer
-Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.