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Local governor’s race recount goes smoothly in county
-According to Cook County Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers, the local governor’s race recount went smoothly on Monday with no challenges from either political party.
County residents may see modest to large tax increases
-The so-called Truth in Taxation – or T and T statements hit county mailboxes late last week prompting a flurry of phone calls and emails to County Assessor Mary Black.
All things snowflake
-Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist. She lives here in Cook County and joins us periodically to talk about phenology or what’s going on in the woods right now.
Weekend News Roundup for Nov. 27
-Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.
Rec Park bathhouse goes solar
-Last week a small crew—helped by a crane—hoisted solar panels onto the roof of a bathhouse in the Grand Marais Rec Park. Mark Morgan is installing the panels on the bathhouse roof.
County zeros in on final budget for 2011
-Sawtooth Elementary third-graders: "I am thankful for...."
-In celebration of Thanksgiving, 3rd-graders at Sawtooth Mountain Elementary share thoughts about what they are thankful for.
NOAA announces 9.2 million in grants to restore Great Lakes fish habitat
-The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced on Friday that it has awarded about $9.2 million to nine projects through
Cook County Higher Education: new home - continuing mission
-Cook County Higher Education (CCHE) recently celebrated one year at its new campus in Grand Marais, but the organization has actually been around a lot longer than that.