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Isle Royale wolf population bottoms out at just three

The wolf population on Isle Royale has declined from a high of 50 almost 40 years ago to its current low of three animals today.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with wolf researcher Dr.


Ham Run Half-Marathon follows "the trail less traveled" on May 2

The Ham Run Half Marathon and 5K Fun Run follow the “trail less traveled.” WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with Emily Marshall of the Cook County YMCA on North Shore Morning.&nbs


"Marketing for Nonprofits" - Brown Bag Lunch topic April 22

This week’s Brown Bag Lunch topic is ‘Marketing for Nonprofits.’ WTIP volunteer Yvonne Mills spoke with Erik Peterson of Bending the Arc Strategies on North Shore Morning. 


Fundraiser offers potluck and family dance featuring the SplinterTones, April 25

A potluck, a family dance and the SpinterTones – it’s all part of a fundraising effort for the Cooperation Station Daycare and the Explorers Club Summer Youth Program being held at the Art


This week in April: cold, wet....snow?

The red flag fire danger will be helped a great deal by a week of cool, wet and maybe even snowy weather. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Stewart about our April weather.


Memorization Made Easy, April 22 & 23

Rose Arrowsmith Decoux and Jackson Nickolay share the details of their upcoming class with North Shore Morning host Matthew Brown.  


Botany and photography workshops offered on Isle Royale

Workshops in botany and photography are offered starting in June on Isle Royale.


County road work takes center stage at commissioner meeting

County roads dominated the discussion at this week’s commissioners meeting. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Heidi Doo-Kirk about road maintenance issues.


"Hot Potato Topics" offers informal discussion about raising adolescents, April 30

The Sawtooth Mountain Clinic is hosting a “Hot Potato” discussion group in addition to a hot potato bar on Thursday, April 30.


Understanding the difference between climate change and weather variability

Is there evidence that the North Shore is experiencing climate change….and how is the definition of climate change different than the notion of weather variability?