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Office Outpost opens in Grand Marais

A new co-working space is open in downtown Grand Marais.


Roots of local art festival date to 1960s

The second weekend in July has a longstanding tradition for art festivals along the North Shore.


Nice weather predicted for Arts Festival weekend

Rain on and off until Saturday and then great weather for an arts festival Saturday and Sunday. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Carol Christenson.


Fly-fishing shop opens in Grand Marais

A new fly fishing gear and tackle shop has opened in downtown Grand Marais. The name of the business is Fly Box & Company.


Update on group running around Lake Superior pushing baby stroller

A group of three friends, including one Grand Marais resident, are running around Lake Superior this summer. They are pushing all their gear in a baby stroller.


WTIP Weekend News Roundup for July 2

 Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. New judicial responsibilities in the District. Iron Rangers want Twin Metals hearing held locally.


Citizens' Climate Lobby addresses climate change

The Citizens' Climate Lobby is a nonpartisan group working to spread the idea that each one of us can help to address climate change.


Commissioner exits public meeting in protest of 'social justice issue'

Cook County Commissioner Frank Moe abruptly left a public meeting on Tuesday, June 28.


Online voting for Minnesota parks and trails license plate ends July 4

Three entries remain in the DNR’s contest for a state parks and trails license plates.


Nice holiday weekend weather is forecast

Should be a nice summer weekend for the Fourth of July holiday…with a little rain mixed in. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Carol Christenson.