Superior National Forest Update: October 28
Hi. This is Brandee Wenzel, administrative support assistant, with this week’s National Forest Update - information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the east end of the Superior National Forest. For the week of October 28th, here’s what’s going on in the Forest.
The Forest is really entering ‘winter hibernation’ mode now. All campgrounds are in their winter status and the docks are gone from the boat landings. Except for two pit piles, our fire crew is finished with all the pile burning that they have been doing, and their engines have been winterized and won’t be staffed again until spring. We are also starting to see people out harvesting balsam boughs for holiday wreaths. Remember, you need a permit for this. Personal use permits are free, but commercial use permits are based on the amount harvested. If you’re out for firewood instead of balsam boughs, a permit is needed for that as well. For both firewood and boughs, information covering what specifically you can harvest, where you can legally harvest, how you do the harvesting, and how much you’ll pay for the permit, is available online, or at the Tofte or Gunflint Ranger Stations.
We’ve had a lot of moose sightings by our crews in the woods this past week. That’s a good sign, and everyone loves seeing the big animals. Be careful though, it is easy to approach a moose too closely while trying to get a good photo. Get your pictures from far enough away so as not to disturb the animal.
Trapping seasons for beaver, otter, mink, and muskrat open on October 29, and the deer firearm season opens on November 5. Remember, for all firearms, whether you are hunting grouse or deer, you may not shoot unless you are at least 150 feet from a developed recreation site or road.
Speaking of roads, if you are out driving, here’s where you can expect some logging traffic. On the Tofte District, trucks will be using the Sawbill Landing Road near Sawbill Landing, the Dumbell River Road, the Rice Lake Road, Clara Lake Road, and the Honeymoon Trail west of White Pine Lake. On the Gunflint, trucks are on the same roads as last week. Harvest is taking place off of Greenwood Road, Firebox Road, Powers Lake Road, and Trestle Pine Road.
This week was National Bat Week! You may have seen the bat boxes on posts at our district offices and at some campgrounds. If not, you may want to check out this “government subsidized housing” for bats. In honor of Bat Week, we’ve put up signs under the boxes explaining more about what you can do to help our native flying bug zappers.
Last, but not least, watch out for zombies, ghosts, vampires, and the occasional Disney princess on Monday. Enjoy your weekend, and have a scary but safe Halloween! Until next week, this has been Brandee Wenzel with the National Forest Update.