Superior National Forest Update - March 22, 2019
Superior National Forest Update – March 20, 2019.
Hi, this is Renee Frahm, Visitor Information Specialist with the Superior National Forest, and this is the National Forest Update, information for you if you’re headed out the road and into the woods.
Snow is melting, and it is now officially spring! The spring equinox was this past Wednesday, so according the stars, it is now springtime despite the feet of snow still on the ground. It is spring according to the animals as well. There have been lots of eagles moving northward through Hawk Ridge in Duluth, and we’ve been seeing more gulls up the shore as well. Chipmunks have reappeared above the snow, and you may see red squirrels in love chasing each other through the trees. It’s actually the only time red squirrels tolerate each other at all – they are generally loners, and only get together to mate in March. Red squirrels are pretty much absent caretakers – the male will return to his territory, and the female will be left to do all the child rearing. By midsummer, young squirrels will be kicked out by mom as well, and have to carve out their own individual territories.
It is a great time of year for ice fishing for trout. Most lakes still have plenty of ice on them, and the slush has melted and refrozen making travel easier. Your ice house should be off the lake now, but it is nice and warm out for sitting on a bucket waiting for fish to come. Our snowy winter means that despite the warm temperatures, it is still pretty good for snowmobiling and skiing too. Visit our website for links to trail conditions, things can change rapidly in the spring. Also, when you are out, watch for bare patches on south facing slopes. People are injured skiing every year when they come to an abrupt halt at the bottom of a hill when the snow turns to dirt.
Driving out in the woods is starting to get trickier. Spring weight restrictions are now in force in both Lake and Cook Counties, which means that the roads are getting soft. It means there won’t be big logging trucks out and about during the day, though in some places, they could be active at night when the roads freeze again. The soft roads will affect your vehicle too, even if it isn’t a big truck. Be on the lookout for wash outs and frost boils where melt water erodes the road from the bottom creating almost a quicksand area. Be equally on the lookout for icy patches on north slopes and shady spots that can send your car spinning. And lastly, always be on the lookout for deer and other wildlife. If you are lucky, you’ll even have a moose licking salt off your car. They are very active this time of year, and often favor roads as travel routes. All this makes for a season when it is easy to find yourself stuck somewhere out in the Forest. Plan for it, and bring emergency supplies. While it may be warm, it still gets cold at night, so make sure you always bring winter gear along, even if you may not need it.
Although the snow is melting, you still need a permit to plow unplowed Forest Service roads. Please stop by the office and tell us of your plowing plans before your truck hits the road.
Spring can be a great combination of winter activities with warm weather, so be sure to take advantage of these few spring days before all the snow is gone for good.
Until next time, this is Renee Frahm with the National Forest Update.