"Still the One" membership drive raises $20,035
WTIP’s “Still the One” membership drive wrapped up at noon on Monday, March 5, and we’re thrilled to say that thanks to the help of many, MANY, people, we reached our goal of $20,000 (plus a little more).
Overall, we heard from:
41 new members
181 renewing members
raising a total of $ 20,035.
In addition to all of our wonderful listener-members that pledged their support – and our sustaining members who provide ongoing support throughout the year - we have many other people to thank that helped the membership drive go smoothly, including: volunteers (both on-air and behind-the-scenes answering phones), businesses and people that provided food, musicians that performed live, and of course Jeff Nemitz, our engineer, who helped make the live music and live broadcasts of Cook County Vikings basketball possible (always with a smile on his face).
We’d also like to thank those that provided gifts for the end-of-drive drawing: Lake Superior Community Theatre, Lutsen Resort, North Shore Winery, Northern Wilds Magazine…and WTIP volunteers Sherrie Lindskog and Doug Turner.
We appreciate the following businesses who provided gifts to use during the drive: The Cook County Whole Foods Co-op, Hedstrom Lumber, Lake Superior Trading Post, Superior National at Lutsen, and The Wunderbar.
And finally, congratulations to the winners of our “end of drive” drawing:
- Nancy Persons: won the Lake Superior Community Theatre gift certificate (admission for two to "Fences")
- Lynn Speaker: won the Lutsen Resort gift certificate (overnight stay and breakfast for two)
- Frank & Cindy Imsdahl-Ceo: won the afghan handmade by Sherrie Lindskog
- Sue Vrooman: won the North Shore Winery gift certificate (tastings for four people)
- Brian Neil: won the Northern Wilds gift certificate (one-year subscription)
- Clare & Dan Shirley: won the cutting boards handcrafted by Doug Turner
What a way to start the celebration of 20 years on the air - our birthday is in April! Stay tuned in the coming months for details on all of the ways we’ll be inviting you to help us celebrate.