Some safety reminders for area snowmobilers
In recent news from the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, there were two incidents of a “missing” snowmobiler. WTIP followed up on those reports and learned the lost riders had become separated from a group of other snowmobilers. We asked Mary Manning, a local Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officer for some advice on how to prevent that from happening.
CO Manning talked about trail etiquette and safety in this interview.
And she reminded snowmobilers who were born after Dec. 31, 1976, that they need to complete the DNR snowmobile safety course.
Manning said adults do not have to complete the field test as youths do, but can take the training on line. Click here for course information.
For more information about snowmobile safety—or any other outdoor recreational activity in our northwoods—contact CO Mary Manning at (218) 387-5285.