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School board reviews discipline policy

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Members of the public once again let their feelings be known at the School District 166 school board meeting on November 16, asking the school board to increase its efforts to end bullying and racial harassment in the local schools.

The school board took steps toward that end by reviewing its discipline policy during the meeting. Board members talked to administration about how some new measures are working.

Finally, the consensus was that the board needed to take an in-depth look at its discipline policy. Superintendent Crandall will talk to other schools, to see if there are ideas that could be helpful. The policy will be discussed again at the December school board meeting, at 5 p.m. on Thursday, December 14.

Before that meeting however, there will be another community gathering, facilitated by the Minnesota Educators Association’s FIRE program. FIRE stands for facing inequities and racism in education. That meeting will be on Friday, December 8 at 5 p.m. in the Jane Mianowski Conference Room.

WTIP will share more information on that meeting as it becomes available.

Rhonda Silence shares this report from the November 16 school board meeting. 
