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Prescription Drug Take Back Nets Over 130 Pounds of Medication

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Over 130 pounds of unwanted medication was collected in Cook County and Grand Portage through the Cook County Sheriff’s Office Prescription Drug Take Back program - an increase over the 125 pounds accounted for last year.

“We want to thank everyone who took the time to turn in unused medication,” said Chief Deputy Will Sandstrom. “Cleaning out medicine cabinets and ridding homes of unneeded medication greatly contributes to the prevention of pill abuse. Medications that sit in home cabinets are highly susceptible to theft, misuse, and abuse.”

Studies show most abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. Disposing of unused medicines by flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash pose additional potential safety, health and environmental hazards.

National Prescription Drug Take Back events take place in April and October each year and continue to remove ever-higher amounts of opioids and other medicines from the nation’s homes, where they could be stolen and abused by family members and visitors, including children and teens. 

A medication drop-box is also located in the Law Enforcement Center lobby 365 days a year for anyone to turn in unwanted medication, at any time.  This initiative is a partnership with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The medications will be accounted for with the DEA and incinerated.

Below is an interview with WTIP's Jay Andersen and Cook County Sheriff Pat Eliasen about the Drug Take Back event and other happenings from the past month at the Sheriff's office.
