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Preparing for a haunted Halloween

Haunted Halloween - Photo by Kinwart, via
Haunted Halloween - Photo by Kinwart, via

It’s a few weeks away from Halloween, but there are some things in the works for this upcoming celebration of “things that go bump in the night.”
Community members are planning a Halloween Haunted House in Grand Marais for three nights. There will be a High School Fright Night on October 29; a “Gate Night” haunted house on October 30 (for 18 years and over); and a “Beggars Night” for trick-or-treaters on October 31. The Halloween night event will be for all ages.
All of the haunted house events will be from 5 to 9 p.m. at The Old Funeral Home (120 West 2nd Street) in Grand Marais.
The haunted house is being organized by the owners of The Old Funeral Home, Dan and Melodee Riddle. The Riddles are joined by Jane Ranum of Grand Marais, who for several years operated a haunted house in her garage—with the help of many community volunteers.
Admission to the haunted houses will be a nonperishable item for the local Food Shelf (or a cash donation to the food shelf).
Organizers would be happy to have more volunteers to help transform The Old Funeral Home to a haunted house. As Dan Riddle says, “The more, the scarier.”
WTIP’s Rhonda Silence spoke with Dan and Melodee Riddle about this scary event. Here’s that conversation.
