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Other options available during Duluth weather radar update

  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.
  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.
  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.
National Weather Service
National Weather Service

WTIP, many Cook County residents and visitors to the North Shore utilize the National Weather Service radar in Duluth to follow the local weather.

However, until the end of the month that specific radar will not be available to provide current weather conditions.

The National Weather Service started an update and maintenance project on the weather radar in Duluth this week. In an email sent to WTIP, the National Weather Service says the maintenance will keep the radar out of operation for 10-12 days before being fully updated with a longer lifespan beginning sometime around Aug. 31.

Meanwhile, here are links to weather radars that can provide current radar data and hourly forecasts during the interim.

This information comes from Hungry Jack Lake in the Mid-Gunflint Trail area. The radar, however, can show current conditions for all of northeastern Minnesota. Click here to find this weather radar.

And click here for a radar in Canada.