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Ontario wolves being transferred to Isle Royale this winter

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The National Park Service will be relocating wolves from Ontario to Isle Royale this winter. Isle Royale and their partners successfully relocated four wolves from Minnesota to the park this fall in the first phase of an effort to restore predator-prey dynamics to the island ecosystem. The support and assistance of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and Ontario Premier Doug Ford made the next phase of the Isle Royale wolf translocation project possible, according to park officials. 
“We greatly appreciate the efforts of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to facilitate this project and thank Premier Ford and Minister Jeff Yurek for their decision to provide Ontario wolves,” said Isle Royale Superintendent Phyllis Green.  “We look forward to working with the professionals from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.”
Several wolves will be captured during the winter months and moved from Ontario to the isolated island park. The wolves from Ontario will play a critical role in restoring a robust wolf population at Isle Royale that functions as an apex predator, according to the National Park Service.