October wind storm clean-up continues
All across the county, residents and businesses are clearing downed trees from driveways, decks and vehicles. As the clean-up continues, the North Shore is preparing for another blast of hazardous weather.
Electric line crews are locating and making repairs to power lines. The Grand Marais Public Utilities Commission has cleared numerous trees off power lines since last evening. The majority of the city has had power restored. As of 3 p.m., October 4, the outage was primarily in the Croftville area. There are a few individual electrical services yet to be restored as well.
The crews requested by Arrowhead Electric Co-Op from Lake States Construction have arrived and are working in assigned areas. One crew will be working the Pike Lake area,another up the Gunflint Trail to take care of that area.
Arrowhead Electric crews are nearly finished in the North Road/Arrowhead Trail area and will be moving into the Colvill area. Colvill was hit pretty hard and there are numerous trees across the power lines to remove.
The US Forest Service is reporting sporadic, yet significant blow down in the Superior National Forest. Between Tofte and Gunflint and Seagull, there are 13 Forest Service crews out clearing roads.
If you are aware of a problem area on a forest road, the Forest Service asks you to call the Tofte Ranger Station at 663-7280 or the Gunflint Ranger Station at 387-1750.
The Cook County Highway Department also continues cleanup of downed trees and debris in ditches and roadways.
While the clean-up takes place, the National Weather Service has announced another round of hazardous weather. Northlanders can expect snow, possibly mixed with rain after midnight. The Weather Service also warns of patchy fog and freezing fog after midnight, with fog and light rain continuing Friday morning.
Drivers are advised to use extreme caution as black ice is likely.