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North Shore Storm PeeWees finish season, 32-5

The District 11 Champion North Shore Storm PeeWee B team finished their season at Regions this weekend, competing at the North Region Tournament in Coleraine, March 1-3.

The Storm faced Grand Rapids in the first game and Coach Nick Bjerken said play was pretty even for most of the game. Jake Stadler had a goal and an assist. Hunter Rex and Hunter Gomez each had an assist. The Storm got the win, 4-1.

The Storm went on to play a tough game against Rogers. It was 6-0 in the third and Coach Bjerken said the team had a nice rally to finish 7-3.

That momentum carried them into the next game versus Two Harbors. The Storm defeated their North Shore rival, 7-3. Coach Bjerken says goalie Ethan Fransen was the MVP for that game. Ayden Althaus and Jake Stadler each had hat tricks. “They were really pumped for that one,” said Coach Bjerken.

The Storm played the final game today, Sunday, March 3, ending with a tough loss, 9-1.

The PeeWees were disappointed, but Coach Bjerken said they should be proud of the year they had. He said, “This was just a bad ending to a great year.”

He reminded the team that they had won four other tournaments, won the District championship and finished with an overall record of 32-5.

The North Shore Storm PeeWee team includes players from the Silver Bay and Cook County areas at ages 11-13 years old.  There are 17 skaters and two goalies.

Anyone interested in the North Shore Storm Hockey program can contact the Silver Bay Blue Line Club at 218-226-8563.