North Shore Storm PeeWees are regional champions!
The North Shore Storm PeeWee B team have continued to skate to victory in a mini Miracle on Ice!
They defeated Thief River Falls on Friday, February 28 at the Moose Lake Arena in a thriller. The score was 0-1 throughout the game until the last 48 seconds when the Storm scored two goals. Final score, 2-1.
They went on to play East Grand Forks on Saturday, February 29 in a Leap Year Day game that went into overtime tied 5-5. The PeeWees scored the winning goal in the first minute of overtime. The final score was Storm, 6, East Grand Forks, 5.
Today they faced Grand Rapids and claimed another victory, 4-2. They are now regional champions!
What is phenomenal about this young Silver Bay/Cook County team is their season record—33-0! Congratulations, North Shore Storm! They now advance to the State tournament to be held in New Ulm, Minnesota, March 13-15.
The North Shore Storm PeeWees are a combined Cook County/Silver Bay team. Team members are Jacob Carpenter, Rayce Gibson, Brody Bronikowski, Gustaf Kindstrand, Avery Thompson, Ethan Meeks, Cole Anderson, Alexa Harrison, Hunter Tikkanen, Kale Hakem Smith, Logan Milczark, Ayden Althaus, Kadence Shoeh, and Adi Johansen.