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North Shore remembrances of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King addressing the Unitarian Universalist Association in Hollywood, Florida in May 1966
Dr. Martin Luther King addressing the Unitarian Universalist Association in Hollywood, Florida in May 1966

Monday, January 21 is a special day in the United States. It is the day we come together to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
To recognize Dr. King’s impact on so many of us, WTIP shared a very special North Shore News Hour at noon and 5 p.m. on January 21. 
Host Rhonda Silence spoke with some local people to hear their thoughts about the Civil Rights movement and Dr. King’s legacy. 
We hear from one of WTIP’s longtime volunteers, Tyler Howell about the discrimination his family has faced. 
Rhonda talked with Dianne Anderson of Hovland about a church youth trip to hear Dr. King speak in 1961. 
Pastor Dale McIntire, of Cornerstone Community Church in Grand Marais, shared a child’s eye view of desegregation. 
WTIP board member and volunteer Mike Reeves reads some of Dr. King’s words for us. 
In addition, there is some music—poignant and powerful. 
Thank you to Tyler, Dianne, Pastor Dale, and Mike for participating. And thank you to all who work to keep Dr. King’s message alive today and every day. 
In the words of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, “The time is always right to do what is right.” 