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Moose hit by two vehicles on Gunflint Trail

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A moose was hit, but not fatally injured, on the Gunflint Trail between Loon Lake Road and Tucker Lake Road, and was reported to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office at approximately 8:15 pm. last night, Jan. 18.
The driver, David R. Howe, 47, of Grand Marais, told the sheriff’s office that he was travelling about 35-40 mph when the moose ran out in front of him.
No injuries were sustained and Howe was able to drive his vehicle to the Law Enforcement Center in Grand Marais to report the incident. The only damage to the vehicle was to the front driver side of the plow on the driver’s truck.
Howe reported the moose was still alive near the ditch in the northbound lane of the Gunflint Trail.
In the meantime, a Gunflint Trail firefighter came upon the moose and contacted the Cook County Sheriff’s Office to let them know it was lying in the road. As he was talking to law enforcement dispatch, a second vehicle struck and killed the moose.

Andrew J. Zwers, 33, of St. Paul, was heading north on the Gunflint Trail and stated he did not see the injured moose against the ‘brights’ of an oncoming vehicle.
Zwers was uninjured, however there was damage to the passenger side front end of his vehicle.
The sheriff’s office referred the incident to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Conservation for management of the animal. Conservation Officer Mary Manning said the DNR took possession of the moose.