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Minnesotans break record for border waters paddle

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Border lakes paddlers Matthew Peterson (left) and Peter Wagner after an epic journey. Submitted photo
Border lakes paddlers Matthew Peterson (left) and Peter Wagner after an epic journey. Submitted photo

Over Memorial Day Weekend, two Minnesota paddlers, Matthew Peterson and Peter Wagner, set out on a legendary paddle across the border lakes along the international line between Minnesota and Ontario. The route goes from Rainy Lake to Grand Portage, before ending on the shores of Lake Superior.

Known as the Kruger-Waddell Challenge, the route was established in the form of a timed-race of sorts by Verlen Kruger and Clint Waddell. The paddling duo held the record for many years, doing so in 80 hours 40 minutes.

That record has now fallen. Peterson and Wagner finished their paddle May 28 in less than 70 hours, shattering the record by more than 10 hours.

Not long after they broke the record, they stopped by WTIP to share their story with Joe Friedrichs.
