A look at the Law Enforcement Log, April 2-8
Each week the Cook County Sheriff’s Office provides a brief report of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center in the past week. This week’s report provides details logged by law enforcement dispatchers from April 2 -8.
There was a call of a pedestrian hit by a car outside of a business in Lutsen at 6 p.m. on April 4. The motorist entered the parking lot at about 5-10 miles per hour and hit a 33-year-old male in the right leg. The male had an abrasion to his leg. The driver, John Laine of Lutsen, was arrested and charged with driving under the influence.
A 2004 Mitsubishi Endeavor driven by Casey Deschampe went into the ditch on the Gunflint Trail just before 3 a.m. on April 3. The car was not damaged and was towed out of the ditch.
There was another report of a vehicle in the ditch on Devil Track Road at 8 a.m. on April 3. The call was second-hand information and the sheriff’s office was not sure of the exact location.
There was a report of a speeding vehicle on the Ski Hill Road at 6:39 a.m. on April 3.
Damage to a vehicle was reported on April 6 after some youths threw rocks at a vehicle.
Law enforcement received a call of an intoxicated party at the Gunflint Tavern at 6:25 p.m. on April 6. A deputy gave the person a ride home.
Oshki Ogimaag School reported that someone broke into the garage behind the community center and broke the window of a vehicle parked in the area. The damage occurred months ago. There are no suspects.
The sheriff’s office was asked to conduct extra patrols at Grand Portage Construction to reduce incidents of theft and garbage being dumped there.
A counterfeit $20 bill was found at the Grand Portage Casino. The bill was turned over to the Secret Service for investigation.
There were numerous car/deer crashes; two on West Highway 61 on April 2 and April 6, as well as a report of an injured deer. Deputies also moved the carcass of a dead deer on April 7. Another car/deer crash was reported as a civil call as it was a report of a car hit previously.
On April 5, a party reported an injured raptor on Highway 61. The call was referred to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
There was a report of a dead wolf on the Gunflint Trail near the Pincushion Mountain overlook on April 7. Deputies removed the deceased animal from the traffic lane.
There were reports of juvenile trouble in Grand Marais on April 2 and on April 6, however no further information is available because the incidents involve a minor.
A report of theft through Ebay was reported to the sheriff’s office. The matter was referred to the FBI. Another party reported telephone fraud on April 3.
A “drug incident” on April 2 was actually the emptying of the drug takeback container in the Law Enforcement Center lobby and another call in Grand Portage on April 3 was someone turning in some prescription medications.
There were a number of public assistance calls such as an abandoned vehicle in a private lot on Clearwater Road on April 2; help with a custody issue on April 5; and a report of debris on the highway by Naniboujou Trail.
There was a security system false alarm call in Grand Marais on April 2 and on East Highway 61 on April 4.
Sheriff deputies checked an address for a warrant for Mille Lacs County. They were unable to find the party.
Deputies also assisted the U.S. Forest Service with some tree cutting; the Minnesota State Patrol with an arrest and helped with an adult client of Cook County Public Health and Human Services.
A miscellaneous fire call turned out to be a monthly emergency pager test.
A power outage was reported on Bents Road in Grand Marais on April 5 and on Croftville Road on April 6.
There was a call of a loose dog on Pike Lake Road on April 5.
A party called asking the sheriff’s office to check the welfare of someone who they said “looked down.”
On April 6, there was a report of a lost wallet.
There was a report of graffiti on April 2. “Wrong way” was written in the middle of 3rd Avenue East. There are no suspects.
There were two medical calls.
Deputies conducted 16 check business or residence checks. There were four traffic calls in which the motorist was ticketed and eight drivers were reprimanded.
There were daily check status calls from deputies to the dispatchers. There were two crank or misdialed 911 calls.
If you need help from Cook County Law Enforcement, dial 9-1-1.
For non-emergency calls, contact the Cook County Sheriff’s Office at 218-387-3030.