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A look at the Law Enforcement Log

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Each week the Cook County Sheriff’s Office provides a brief report of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center in the past week. This week’s report provides details logged by law enforcement dispatchers from Tuesday, January 22 to Sunday, January 27.

WTIP Community Radio asked for more details on a number of calls, such as a hit and run reported on January 25 by Sharon Hart on County Road 56. The incident was unwitnessed and the Sheriff’s Office has no damage estimate.

Sheriff Deputies assisted someone who wanted a message delivered to someone in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Deputies also assisted the U.S. Forest Service in checking registration for a snowmobiler and assisted the Minnesota State Patrol with booking a party with a driving under the influence charge.

A call reporting harassment was due to a community member posting documents at public library.  No charges were filed.
A party reported a violation of an order for protection a few days earlier. The matter was referred to the county attorney’s office.

There were two calls reporting suspicious activity. A call about a suspicious vehicle in Grand Marais turned out to be a family member in a borrowed van. And a suspicious person turned out to be the cleaning person at Cook County YMCA.

A vehicle slid into the ditch on January 25. A police presence was not needed, but the party asked for help getting a tow.

There were several calls regarding animals, such as reports of two deer killed in car/deer crashes, one in the middle of the roadway.

On January 25, there was a call about an elderly dog with “territory issues.” The sheriff deputy is following up with caretakers. On January 27, law enforcement received a call of a loose dog. The owner was contacted.

A snowmobiler stuck in the slush on Tait Lake in Lutsen called for help on Jan 25. The party was given contact information for a tow company. A report of a broken down snowmobile was received on January 26.

A call reporting theft of firewood came in on January 26. There are no suspects in the matter.

At 11:22 p.m. on Jan 25, a party called, reporting flashing lights outside their house. It was determined that the lights were from a deputy on a traffic stop near the property.

There was a call of an overdue person on Saturday, January 26. A party said her husband had gone to help someone at Trestle Pine Lake in Grand Marais. The woman called just before 8 p.m. saying she was worried at the length of time the effort was taken. The party was located a short time later at the Grand Portage Casino.

There were a number of traffic calls, such as one for exhibition driving at Coast Guard point on January 23. No citation was issued.

On January 27, the Sheriff’s Office was called because trucks with snowmobile trailers were blocking access to My Sister’s Place restaurant. The truck owners were located and vehicles were moved.

As always, the Cook County Law Enforcement Center handled a number of lost and found items. A cell phone was found and the owner notified. A wallet was turned in to the LEC and the owner notified. A single key on a lanyard was found and turned in, yet to be claimed. And a party reported a phone lost somewhere in Grand Marais on January 27.

There were 12 traffic stops with seven reprimands and five tickets issued.

Law Enforcement dispatchers address three crank or misdialed 9-1-1 calls.