Library puzzle sculpture lowered for safety
People passing the Grand Marais Library may be alarmed to see the 20-foot puzzle sculpture laying on the ground. The first thought of many is that the high winds on the evening of January 3 knocked the sculpture down.
That is not the case according to Library Director Steve Harsin.
Harsin said the library’s snow removal crew noticed that the sculpture was leaning. The creator of the piece, Tom Christianson of Last Chance Gallery, came to inspect and found a small crack in the sculpture’s base.
Christianson, who has been providing ongoing maintenance of the puzzle sculpture, had already been working on a different design with improved support.
It was decided to lower the sculpture for the winter. The Grand Marais Public Utilities crew used the electrical department bucket truck to gently lower the 200-pound puzzle sculpture to the ground.
It will be raised in the spring. For now, Harsin said, “We decided to lay it down for the safety of both the sculpture and the public.”
The puzzle sculpture was erected on the library lawn on June 5 of this year.