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Learn the important dates associated with local 2018 elections

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 July 24 has been touted as a voter registration deadline. What does that mean? Does a new voter have to register by that date to be counted?

According to Cook County Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers, the answer is no. July 24 is the date by which online and mailed voter registration forms must be returned. Powers said that is to ensure that the county’s election office receives the application in time.
Citizens can wait until Election Day to register, however, to do so, you must show an approved proof of residence.

The Minnesota Secretary of State website provides a list of approved proof of residence.

If you are not sure if you are registered to vote or if the state has your correct information, you can also check your voting registration status on the Minnesota Secretary of State website.

Cook County Auditor-Treasurer  Powers stopped by WTIP to speak with Joe Friedrichs and Rhonda Silence about some important dates coming up in July and August regarding the 2018 election cycle.

The audio below is their conversation. 
