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Great fishing at Cook County Ridge Riders Trout Derby

Despite cold temps and high winds, the Cook County Ridge Riders Snowmobile Club had a great turnout for their annual Trout Derby on Saturday, March 2, held this year at West Bearskin Lake.

Samantha Wallner of the Ridge Riders said about 70 people came out – some to fish; some to enjoy lunch and some just to see friends and enjoy snowmobiling in the area.

Fishing was decent for the derby. Brandon Marxen took first place with an 11 lb trout.  Robin Bue was 2nd with a trout weighing 9 lbs 9 oz.  Barry Pederson was 3rd with an 8 lb 11 oz trout and Kevin Sheils was 4th with 7 lb trout.  Jimmy Wallner was 5th with a 6 lb 14 oz trout. There were a number of other fish caught, all around 3 pounds.

The Ridge Riders report that a good time was had by all.