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Garry Gamble to take questions on WTIP about tax survey

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  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.
  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.

This past September a property tax survey was compiled and distributed by a group of local residents formed under the name “Concerned Citizens for an Affordable Cook County.” 

Since its distribution, there have been varying opinions with regard to the survey itself. 

To date, most of the discussion about the survey has taken place in the local newspaper, on social media or in public meetings. Now the conversation moves to the airwaves. And we want you to be involved.

If you have a question about the local property tax survey or the group “Concerned Citizens for An Affordable Cook County,” send an email today or during the broadcast to: 

[email protected]

Join host Joe Friedrichs on Thursday, December 21, from 7 to 8 p.m. for a special Community Conversation on WTIP with former Cook County Commissioner Garry Gamble and local resident Tom Bradovich. Both of these individuals were instrumental in drafting the surveys and in recording its findings.

If you have a question for the panel about the local property tax survey or about the group “Concerned Citizens for An Affordable Cook County” send an email today or during the broadcast to:

[email protected]

And we thank you for participating in community radio here in Cook County and along the North Shore.