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Empty propane tanks focus of meeting at Sawtooth Ridges

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On March 10 there was a 9-1-1 call placed from the Sawtooth Ridges apartment complex in Grand Marais suggesting a possible gas leak in the building.

Emergency crews arrived to find that there was no immediate threat to public safety and that the propane tanks were merely empty at the apartment complex. 

As a follow up to this event at Sawtooth Ridges, there was a meeting Wednesday, April 11 at the community room inside the apartment complex to discuss what happened the day the propane tanks went empty in March. The meeting involved staff from the Cook County Sheriff’s Department, Grand Marais Fire Department, staff from the county’s Public Health and Human Services Department, staff from Superior Fuel Co. in Grand Marais and residents and staff from Sawtooth Ridges.

In the interview below, WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs speaks with Cook County Emergency Management Director Valerie Marasco. 
