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Elected officials voice support for copper-nickel mines in northeastern Minnesota

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Governor Mark Dayton made headlines across Minnesota Oct. 24 when he came out in support of the proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mining project in northeastern Minnesota. Dayton said the mine should be allowed to proceed if it meets required environmental standards.

Echoing those sentiments on Tuesday were two elected officials who represent the region, including Cook County, at the Capitol in St. Paul.  State Representative Rob Ecklund and state Senator Tom Bakk were in Grand Marais on the same day Dayton made his comments in Minneapolis.

Ecklund said the Governor’s comments about PolyMet were in line with previous statements on this issue.

Bakk agreed the governor has long supported the idea of a copper-nickel mine in northeastern Minnesota. Bakk went a step further, voicing his own support for such mines to arrive to the region.

WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs reports on this story.  
