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EATS 2019: a fun event for foodies

For a decade now, for one evening in March, the School District 166 halls have been transformed into a culinary extravaganza called EATS, an acronym standing for “Enriching Academics Through Sustenance.” The school takeover by the School District 166 Education Foundation was on Thursday, March 14 and by all accounts, it was another success.
There was music provided by the Cook County High School Band and Choir and food from an amazing variety of restaurants and the r Cook County High School Culinary Arts Students under the direction of Jason Gesch.
As community members enjoyed the savory offerings, they also had fun in friendly competition for amazing items on the silent auction tables, ranging from a special autographed baseball, artwork, ceramics, jewelry and more, including a wide array of gift certificates to be redeemed later.

EATS is hosted by the Cook County Schools/ISD 166 Education Foundation, which meets on the fourth Thursday of the month (September-May) at 4:00 p.m. in the Jane Mianowski Conference Center in the Arrowhead Center for the Arts. The meetings are open to the public.
EATS is much more than a fun, food-filled event, it is also a major fundraiser for the education foundation, which funds activities and programs outside the usual school curriculum.
WTIP’s Rhonda Silence attended the 2019 EATS event. Click below to hear her report!
Activities and items purchased thanks to grants from the education foundation include:
Outdoor Timber frame Classroom
Ice Storm Robotics
Tower Gardens for 1st grade
Math League Meets/Competition
Middle School Writer's Club
Literature Empowerment for 1st grade
Culinary Arts supplies
Wall Mosaic materials for the 4th grade
Knowledge Bowl
Two computerized babies for the High School health class
Student Response System for K-12 classroom use to engage all learners
Complete set of Bill Nye Science DVDs
Senior Books & Senior Show expenses
10 Graphing Calculators for grades 8-12
Middle School Exploratory Days expenses
Concordia Language Villages for High School Spanish Class
North House Timber Frame Project with High School Industrial Tech Students
Terrence Smith Folk Dancing for K-5
Michael Monroe workshop for elementary and middle school
Kindergarten Dramatic Play Centers
World Traveler Day supplies in elementary
Youth Frontiers Retreats
North House Inuit Soapstone Carving class
​Young Authors Conference registration fees
Math Mission for Grades 4 & 5
Junior Achievement Exchange City
CCHS Guthrie Theater Tour
Foster Grandparent program fee for Sawtooth
