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DNR hosts open house on Border-to-Border 4x4 route

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The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Parks and Trails Division, in conjunction with the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council and the Minnesota 4-Wheel Drive Association, will hold a series of listening sessions across the northern counties of Minnesota about the Border to Border (B2B) Touring Route. The listening sessions kick off with one in Grand Marais at School District 166 in the school cafeteria. The open house will take place Tuesday, February 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. 

Listen to WTIP's Joe Friedrichs interview with one of the organizers below. 

The DNR plans for the route to connect the eastern and western borders of Minnesota across the northern third of the state using minimum maintenance and rugged roadways. The end product will be a signed, mapped route for highway-licensed, four-wheel drive vehicles, following routes that are already open for driving. The project is funded by the off-road vehicle account in Minnesota’s Natural Resources Fund.  Revenues for this fund come from registered off-road vehicle owners.

The purpose of the listening sessions is to gather feedback regarding a draft alignment for the B2B Touring Route. Last year at this time, similar meetings were held on this project to help determine the best location for this adventure route. That information was used to form the draft alignment that will be the topic of the listening sessions. The route is proposed to traverse the counties of Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami, Clearwater, Polk, Red Lake, Pennington, Marshall, and Kittson.

For those who cannot make it to the  listening sessions, the DNR will also accept written comments on the touring route proposal from Feb. 21 through March 25. Written comments will be accepted by email to [email protected] or should be sent by mail to Mary Straka, Minnesota DNR, Parks and Trails Division, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155.

For more information, or to request a printed copy of the proposal, call Mary Straka, at 218-203-4445, or email [email protected].

Listening Session Schedule
The nine meetings will be between mid-February and early March near the proposed draft alignment for the B2B Touring Route. All meetings will be from 6 to 8 p.m. 

Tuesday, Feb. 20  
Cook County School
101 W. Fifth St.
Grand Marais, MN 55604

Wednesday, Feb. 21
Mountain Iron Community Center
Wacootah Room
8586 Enterprise Drive S.
Mountain Iron MN 55768

Thursday, Feb. 22
Beaver Bay Community Center
711 MacDonald Ave.
Beaver Bay, MN 55601

Monday, Feb. 26
Squaw Lake Community Center
52201 MN-46
Squaw Lake, MN 56681

Tuesday, Feb. 27
Black Duck School Library
156 First St. NW
Blackduck, MN 56630

Wednesday, Feb. 28
Clearbrook Gonvick School Library
16770 Clearwater Lake Rd.
Clearbrook, MN 56634

Monday, March 5
Newfolden City Office
145 E. First St.
Newfolden, MN 56738

Tuesday, March 6
Hallock City Hall
163 3rd St SE
Hallock, MN 56728

Wednesday, March 7
Red Lake Falls Lafayette High School Cafeteria
404 Champagne Ave.
Red Lake Falls, MN  56750
