Cook County YMCA to host adult swim meet March 11
There is an adult swim meet at the Cook County YMCA on Saturday, March 11. The meet starts at 10 a.m. and goes until noon. Warm-ups and registration for the event start at 9 a.m. at the YMCA pool in Grand Marais.
Anyone over the age of 18 is invited to participate in the swim meet. No pre-registration or experience with swimming competitions are required. It is also not required to be a member of the Cook County YMCA in order to participate. The YMCA is opening the pool for the event and will accept donations from participants or attendees.
There is a suggested $10 deck fee and all proceeds will benefit the US Masters Swimming, Swimming Saves Lives Foundation in support of the Adult Learn-to-Swim program, which will run at the YMCA in Grand Marais again in April.
Sponsors for the March 11 swim meet include Voyageur Brewing, Fika Coffee, Fireweed Bike Co-op, Spokengear/Cedar Coffee and Stone Harbor Wilderness Supply.
Voyageur Brewing will provide a token for a free 7oz pour, Fika will provide coffee at the event and have a ticket for a free cup of coffee, Fireweed Bike Co-op is doing a post-meet Fat Tire ride, Cedar Coffee/Spokengear a ticket for a free cup of coffee and Stone Harbor is providing 15-percent off coupons.
The meet format or race schedule will be similar to that of any organized swimming competition, with a mix of individual and relay events. Participants can show up between 9-10 a.m. on Saturday, March 11 and sign up for any race they want to swim. There is no minimum or maximum number of events an individual must swim.
The last race of the meet, which is the 200-freestyle relay, will feature four local organizations competing against each other. These teams include representatives from Cook County staff, Sawtooth Mountain Clinic, the local YMCA and WTIP.
The audio posted below is a discussion between WTIP’s Jana Berka, Mark Abrahamson, Joe Friedrichs and Cook County Administrator Jeff Cadwell.