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USDA offers free conservation services to Cook County landowners

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The Natural Resources Conservation Service, or NRCS, (an agency with the USDA) is looking to work with individuals on private or tribal lands in Cook County to help implement their mission of “Helping People Help the Land.”  This means that for no charge or obligation a conservationist from the Duluth Field Office along with the landowner or land manager will walk the property and discuss long range goals. During this time, the conservationist will collect information and can provide recommendations on how to improve your land for the following:
  • timber production
  • overall forest health
  • wildlife habitat
  • native pollinators
  • soil health
  • season extension for crop production
  • elimination of invasive upland plants

 Once the information is collected from the property and the owner/manager, the conservationist will compile it and present it in the form of a conservation plan.  If the landowner would like to implement any of those recommendations there is financial assistance through the Farm Bill that can help. 
The Duluth NRCS Field Office is very committed in assisting Cook County landowners in getting conservation on the ground; they just need your help knowing where the conservation is needed.
If you would like a free, no-obligation sight visit, call the NRCS Duluth Field Office at 218-720-5209 ext. 3.  Also, feel free to contact Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District with any questions at 218 387-3649.