Temporary paving operation slows traffic on Highway 61 near Split Rock
DULUTH, MN - Motorists traveling on Highway 61 near Split Rock River in Lake County are encountering traffic backups as MnDOT temporarily paves a two-mile section in preparation for a government shutdown. Motorists can avoid these backups by using an alternate route.
Alternate route for motorists heading north: Highway 61 to County Road 2 (on the northeastern edge of Two Harbors), north to Forest Highway 11, then east to Silver Bay and back onto Highway 61. The alternate route for motorists heading south is this route in reverse.
The temporary paving project began Thursday morning and backups have caused delays of approximately one hour. Trucks hauling asphalt to the project area are also being delayed by the backups. The project was scheduled to be completed Thursday; however the project may not be completed until Friday due to the heavy traffic backups.
MnDOT is paving the two-mile section because it was under construction and had a temporary gravel surface that would be difficult to maintain during a shutdown and if it rains.
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