Superior National Forest Update: July 10
Hi. I’m Becky Bartol, environmental coordinator, with this week’s edition of the National Forest Update - information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the Tofte and Gunflint Districts of the Superior National Forest. For the week of July 10th, here’s what’s going on in the Forest.
It has been a week of beautiful weather on the Forest. We hope that you’ve been able to get outside and enjoy some of the sun. This past Tuesday was national “Father-Daughter Take a Walk Day”, so hopefully some fathers and daughters were out hiking in the woods. If you somehow missed that holiday, you can cheer yourself up by celebrating National Blueberry Muffin Day this Sunday.
Camping can be a great way to get outdoors, but remember that if you are planning on camping, it is not allowed to ‘claim’ a spot by putting your gear at a campsite ahead of time. Your campsite must be occupied the first night. Camping gear left in an unoccupied site may be confiscated, and the owner can actually be cited for a violation. If you are concerned about not having a site, many of the sites on our campgrounds are reservable online at
Sites in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness are, of course, not reservable. When planning your route, develop alternatives in case the site you are hoping for is occupied. Creating your own campsite on islands or other places is not allowed, and you can be cited for camping outside of the designated sites. The reason we have designated sites is to concentrate the impact of camping in only those spots, leaving the rest of the shoreline pristine. Help us protect the Boundary Waters by following the rules and guidelines - they are there for good reasons.
Getting to your campground or entry point should be pretty easy. Our roads are in good shape, and there are only a few timber sales creating truck traffic. You may encounter logging trucks on the Dumbbell River Road, Wanless Road (heading to Hwy.1), Sawbill Landing Road, Lake County 7 near Harriet Lake, the Four Mile Grade near Wilson Lake, The Grade, and the Sawbill Trail.
While most of us are enjoying summer, some of us have been preparing for winter already. The Forest Service, in partnership with the Arrowhead Coalition for Multiple Uses, has been working to develop the South Fowl Snowmobile Trail near South Fowl Lake. This section of trail should be ready for snowmobile use this winter, so thanks to all the trail workers that are out there feeding the mosquitos and black flies this summer.
Smokey Bear would like to pass on a big thank you for the warm welcome he received at the Fourth of July parade in Tofte. He was able to both give and receive a lot of bear hugs, and there’s nothing he likes better. Being Smokey, he’d also wants us to remind you to be careful with fire and make sure all your campfires are dead out before you leave your campsite.
Have a great weekend, and enjoy the Forest. Until next week, this has been Becky Bartol with the Superior National Forest Update.