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Sunny's Back Yard


Sunny has lived off-grid in rural Lake County for the past 17 years and is a regular commentator on WTIP. She shares what's been happening in her part of the world on Sunny's Back Yard.

What's On:

Sunny's Back Yard: Tomato summer

Growing tomatoes in the north woods can be a challenge. But the reward is great when all the variables of gardening in a cold climate come together.

Sunny has lived off-grid in rural Lake County for the past 17 years and is a regular commentator on WTIP. Here she shares what's been happening in Sunny's Back Yard.

(Photo by Chiot's Run on Flickr)



Sunny's Back Yard: Bittersweet summer

Summer has arrived in the north woods...accompanied by biting insects, colorful wildflowers and ruby-throated hummingbirds. But it's a bittersweet time for Sunny -- a reminder of things lost and why we can still be grateful.

Sunny has lived off-grid in rural Lake County for the past 17 years and is a regular commentator on WTIP. Here she shares what's been happening in Sunny's Back Yard.

(Photo by Catherine Mullhaupt on Flickr)



Sunny's Back Yard: A Chubby Little Bird

The American woodcock is a spring visitor in the north woods...a chubby little bird with a distinctive call and courtship display.

Sunny has lived off-grid in rural Lake County for the past 17 years and is a regular commentator on WTIP. Here she shares what's been happening in Sunny's Back Yard.

(Photo by Biodiversity Heritage Library on Flickr)



Sunny's Back Yard: Do Owls Have a Sense of Humor?

Sunny Owl February 2015.mp36.11 MB

Is it possible that owls have a sense of humor, especially when it involves waking a hyperactive miniature pinscher? Sunny explores that late-night possibility....

Sunny is a regular commentator on the Lake County Journal, heard on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. and the following Saturday morning from 6 to 7 a.m.


Sunny's Back Yard: Garden Dreams of Mid-Winter

Sunny January 2015.mp37.15 MB

Deep in the dark and cold of mid-winter, Sunny dreams of the lush and beautiful garden she'll have next summer.

Sunny is a regular commentator on the Lake County Journal, heard on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. and the following Saturday morning from 6 to 7 a.m.

(Photo courtesy of Swallowtail Garden Seeds on


Sunny's Back Yard: Winter Solstice

Sunny Back Yard Solstice.mp35.3 MB

Sunny shares her thoughts on the winter solstice in this edition of Sunny's Back Yard.

Sunny is a regular commentator on the Lake County Journal, heard on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. 

(Photo by Martha Marnocha)


Sunny's Back Yard: A Time of Gratitude

Sunnys back yard november 2014.mp35.78 MB

Sunny reflects on the importance of gratitude in this edition of Sunny's Back Yard.

Sunny is a regular commentator on the Lake County Journal, heard on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. 


Sunny's Back Yard: Chipmunk Story

Sunny's Back Yard October 2014.mp35.14 MB

Sunny prepares for the transition to winter, and remembers a favorite chipmunk in this edition of Sunny's Back Yard.

Sunny is a regular commentator on the Lake County Journal, heard on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. 

(Photo by Robert Taylor on Flickr)


Sunny's Back Yard: Too Much Zucchini

Sunny's Back Yard_september.mp36.51 MB

Sunny finds ways to deal with too much zucchini, and remembers a special rainy night with northern lights in this edition of Sunny's Back Yard.

Sunny is a regular commentator on the Lake County Journal, heard on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. 


Sunny's Back Yard: Late August Farewell

SUnny AUgust.mp36.29 MB

Sunny says farewell to August....and to an all-too-brief summer in this edition of Sunny's Back Yard.

Sunny is a regular commentator on the Lake County Journal, heard on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m.