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Special Enrollment Events for FISH Project in September

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The Sawtooth Mountain Clinic is conducting a study on mercury, fish consumption and women of child-bearing age along the North Shore. WTIP volunteer Sherrie Lindskog spoke with the project coordinators, Joyce Klees and Teresa Borak, on North Shore Morning.

The FISH Project is hosting special enrollment events, Wednesday, September 10th, at the Birch Grove Community Center, and Saturday, September 13th, in the lower level classroom of the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic.  More information from the clinic at 387-2330; ask for a fish coordinator.


Fish are Important for Superior Health (FISH) Project
Make the most of the health benefits of eating fish, and lower exposure to mercury for you and your family.

Needed: Women Age 16 to 50 to Participate in the FISH Project
      *One hour appointments: free and confidential.
      *Blood test for levels of healthful fatty acids in fish and for mercury contamination    
       from fish.
      *Learn how to choose the best fish for healthy eating.
Participants who complete the visit will receive a Visa gift card.
To register as a participant or for more information, call:
Sawtooth Mountain Clinic at 218-387-2330 or
Grand Portage Health Service at 218-475-2235
And ask for a FISH Coordinator
Special Enrollment Event: FISH Project
Fish are Important for Superior Health (FISH) Project
    Women, age 16 to 50, who live in or near Cook County
                        Minors need parental consent in order to participate
         Wednesday September 10, 3:00 to 7:00 pm
  Birch Grove Community Center
         Saturday September 13, 8:000 am to 3:00 pm
  Sawtooth Mountain Clinic, lower level classroom
No appointments necessary
Snacks provided                   
Child care available 
Make the most of the health benefits of eating fish, and lower exposure to mercury for you and your family
Participants will:
•           Answer questions about the fish they eat
•           Have a blood test for levels of healthful fatty acids in fish, and for mercury contamination from fish
•           Receive the results of those tests and learn what they mean, and
•           Learn how to choose the best fish for healthy eating

Participants who complete either visit will receive a Visa gift card.
A recent study showed that ten percent of the Northeastern Minnesota babies tested had mercury in their blood above the level considered safe.

See FISH Project Video online at:
      For more information or to enroll at other times call Sawtooth Mountain Clinic at
       218-387-2330 and ask for a FISH Coordinator