Small wildfires cause closing of some areas in BWCAW
A series of small wildfires are currently burning in or adjacent to northern parts of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. In light of this fire activity and projected weather, the US Forest Service is closing some lakes and surrounding areas to protect public safety.
In light of continued dry and windy conditions, the
Related to Hoist Lake Fire
Four Mile Portage, Ella Hall, Mud Lakes, Slumber, and Muskeg Lakes and campsites; the waters and campsites of Hoist and Back Bays of Basswood Lake, the portages from from Pipestone to Back Bay, Back Bay toward Half Dog Island (a.k.a. Frog Portage), and from Hoist Bay to Good Lake.
Related to Parley Lake Fire
Sunday and Saturday Bay Campsites in Crooked Lake; Zones 5, 1, and 2 of the Sundial Primitive Management Area—all the lakes and waterways within that area including: the Beartrap River from Beartrap Lake north to Iron Lake, Parley, Sunday, Sundial, Bunggee, Sinneeg, and Ritual Lakes ; Travel will be allowed through the bays of Crooked Lake but camping will not be allowed on Sunday and Saturday Bays; Travel will NOT be allowed on the Beartrap River.
Related to Emerald Lake Fire (fire is on Canadian side of border)
From the US/Canadian border on Knife Lake to the end of Ottertrack Lake, South Arm of Knife Lake, Little Knife Lake, Amoeber Lake, Topaz Lake, Cherry Lake, Hanson Lake, Lunar Lake, Lake of the Clouds, Rivalry Lake, Gijikiki Lake, Ester Lake, Ottertrack Lake, Rabbit Lake, Ashdick Lake. This includes area from the US/Canadian border heading south along the section lines of T 65 N, R 7 W, sections 21 and 28, including all campsites on islands and peninsula on adjacent lands, the following lakes, portages, and campsites.
For updates regarding closures and restrictions, please see the Superior National Forest website:
For information about active wildfires, see: