Sawtooth Mountain Clinic is focus for WTIP’s First Thursday broadcast
In a time of high insurance premiums, patients with no insurance at all as well as a host of other health care challenges, can a clinic like Sawtooth Mountain continue to serve everyone in Cook County? Join WTIP’s Jay Andersen for “Sawtooth Mountain Clinic: the future for community health care” -- this week’s First Thursday Community Conversation 6 to 7 p.m. April 7.
Each month we choose a topic for discussion, invite guests into the studio and invite you to join in the conversation. You can call in (387-1070) or email us ([email protected]) with your questions and comments during the broadcast or before.
Are we a healthy county? What needs to be done to ensure we stay healthy and keep a community clinic close to home? Join in-studio guests Drs. Jenny Delfs, Sandy Stover, clinic executive committee member Nancy Burns and outreach nurse Patty Doherty for “Sawtooth Mountain Clinic: the future for community health care” – this week’s First Thursday Community Conversation 6 to 7 p.m. April 7. Only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.