Retail hours at Hovland, Tofte, Finland, Beaver Bay post offices to be reduced in March
A notice posted on the door of the US Post Office in Hovland Friday announces that the retail service window hours at the office will be cut in half in late March.
According to the notice from Janelle Daniels from the USPS, "It has been determined that effective March 23, the Hovland PO will provide four hours of window service each weekday." The office currently provides eight hours of service for mailing, purchasing stamps, etc.
The Hovland Post Office and those in Tofte, Finland and Beaver Bay have been considered for reductions in hours since late last year. The Post Office in Beaver Bay received notice its hours will be cut to four per day, Monday through Friday and Tofte's hours will be cut to six during the week.
Starting on March 23, the retail hours in Hovland will be from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM and from 2:40 PM to 4:40 PM, Monday through Friday. On Saturday, the retail window will continue to be open from 10 AM to Noon as usual.
In Tofte, retail hours will be 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday, with Saturday hour unchanged at 9 to 10 AM.
In Finland, the Monday through Friday hours will be 8 AM to Noon with the Saturday hour unchanged at 10 to 11 AM.
Beaver Bay's weekday hours will be from 8 AM to 11 AM and 1 PM to 4 PM with Saturday window hour from 8:30 to 930 AM.
Daniels says the reductions in hours result from "customer survey responses, input from the community meeting(s) (held in November) and the operational needs of the Postal Service." It will not affects USPS customers' access to their mail boxes or to the boxes for outgoing mail.