Rains soak the shore, flood city and parts of Hovland
Heavy rains yesterday flooded parts of Grand Marais where the National Weather Service reported up to three inches fell in two hours. Golden Eagle Lodge on Flour Lake up the Gunflint Trail posted five inches and some residents of Hovland had as much as four inches during the morning downpour.
Water stood in all of the usual low spots in the city, especially the city parking lot adjacent to the Senior Center. But according to WTIP commentator and outdoor writer Shawn Perich, flooding reached epic proportions at one place in Hovland.
“This is the fifth time in four years Otis Creek in Hovland has overwhelmed the culvert beneath the McFarland Road and caused flooding for property owners downstream,” Perich writes. “This condition caused flooding across the Arrowhead Trail, the North Road and Highway 61.”
Perich said the frequent flooding also causes significant erosion into the Flute Reed River. The flood waters enter Lake Superior through three drainage -- Otis Creek, an unnamed stream and
the Flute Reed River.