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Primary will be held Tuesday, August 14

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A three-way Democratic congressional contest in the 8th Congressional District has brought attention in our area to tomorrow’s primary.

Jeff Anderson, Taryl Clark and Rick Nolan are competing for the opportunity to represent the DFL against Eighth District Republican Congressman Chip Craavack. Nolan is the DFL endorsee in the race.

In Cook County, District 4 is holding a primary to select two candidates to replace retiring Commissioner Jim Johnson. Vying for the November election ballot are Gail Anderson, Rick Austin and Heidi Doo-Kirk. The top two vote-getters will move on to November.

There will be three candidates on the ballot for the District 2 commissioner’s seat now held by Fritz Sobanja. Kelly Swearingen did pull out of the race, but not in time to get her name off the ballot. Sobanja is on tomorrow’s District 2 primary ballot as is Garry Gamble.

Also on the Cook County ballot are three Republican challengers and two Independence Party candidates vying for the US Senate seat now held by Amy Klobuchar. She has four challengers. Cravaack is not being challenged in the GOP for his congressional seat. There also are two Supreme Court seats that have three candidates attempting to make the cut to two for the November election.

Voters in the City of Grand Marais precincts will go to the polls to vote. Those people in District 2, Precinct 5, or, Grand Marais East, will vote at the Cook County Courthouse, Commissioners' Room. Voters in District 3, Precinct 6, Grand Marais West, will vote at the Cook County Community Center

The polls for these precincts will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The remaining Cook County voters have received their votes in the mail. If they have not been returned by mail they can be brought to the Cook County Auditor’s office at the Courthouse in Grand Marais between 8 AM and 4 PM Monday, August 13. On Tuesday, August 14, those ballots may be returned to the Auditor between 7 AM and 8 PM.