Poplar River sediment reduction projects completed
The 2012 construction season saw the completion of two sediment reduction projects by the Poplar River Management Board in collaboration with the Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District.
The Ullr Tightline project is intended to reduce sediment into the Poplar River. The gully was identified as a major contributor of sediment. The selected solution for the gully was an engineered tightline system. (A “tightline” is a pipe that conveys water through a steep or erosion-sensitive area, to eliminate the potential for erosion in that area.)
The tightline will accept all flows from the adjacent County Road 5 and ski runs and send them to the river without degrading the steep slope below the county road. This project is estimated to reduce sediment by 90 tons per year and handle a 100-year rain storm.
The Ullr Tightline was funded 25% by landowners and 75% by a grant from the Great Lakes Commission.
The other project included improvements made along County Road 5 in the heart of Lutsen Mountains.
The improvements include an engineered storm sewer system that will intercept the storm water flows and direct them to either the Brule Tightline or the newly constructed Ullr Tightline
To date more than ten conservation projects have been initiated in the watershed, the projects will eliminate an estimated 835 tons or 42% of the sediment load.