Pagami Creek Fire Update – smoke cloud over Eastern Europe
The Pagami Creek Fire is now 30% contained. The size decreased to 93,669 acres because of more accurate GPS mapping on the northwest side. Of the total acreage, 9,274 acres are outside the wilderness. Between two tenths to one half of an inch of rain fell on the fire yesterday. Eleven canoes were airlifted into Insula Lake on the eastern side of the fire for incoming crews. The spike camp near Isabella is set up and fully operational for about 300 personnel.
According to the “Wildfire Today” website, smoke from the Pagami wildfire is being tracked by meteorologists and other scientists as it travels around the globe. As of September 15 a smoke cloud was detected over the United Kingdom at a height of between 6 and 7 miles. That puts the smoke above the cold point tropopause – or transitional region of the atmosphere between the troposphere and stratosphere.
Satellite photos show smoke over Poland, Ukraine, and Russia on September 16. It has only been in recent years that scientists have realized smoke “clouds” can remain relatively intact and circle the Earth for months.
Locally, showers will continue today. Temps will be in the mid to high 40s. Sustained NW winds will be in the teens with gusts in the mid 20s. Precipitation will taper to a drizzle by late today. An additional two tenths of an inch of rain is expected. A drying and warming trend will start Thursday and extend into the weekend. The fire today is expected to continue to creep and smolder.
There are 781 incident personnel, and three crews will be arriving today. There are three Type 1 helicopters, and two Type 3 helicopter. Six hotshot (Type 1) crews, twelve Type 2 crews, and two camp crews are on the incident. There are also twenty-three engines, seven dozers, and three water tenders assigned to the incident.
A Superior National Forest – wide ban on open campfires remains in effect until further notice. The ban includes the Superior Hiking Trail campsites as well as residential open fires.
#28 Snowbank
#29 North Kawishiwi River
#30 Lake One
#31 Farm Lake
#32 South Kawishiwi River
#33 Little Gabbro
#34 Island River
#35 Isabella
#36 Hog Creek
#37 Kawishiwi Lake
#67 Bog Lake
#75 Little Isabella River
#84 Snake River
South Farm (day use motor)
BWCAW trails closed to overnight hiking:
#56 Kekekabic East
#74 Kekekabic West /Snowbank
#86 Pow Wow Hiking Trail
BWCAW entry points closed for overnight use. ONLY day use travel is allowed:.
· Entry Point 50 Cross Bay Lake, Entry Point 51 Missing Link Lake and Entry Point 52 Brant Lake.
· Lakes near these entry points are only open for day trips, including: Cross Bay, Missing Link, Brant, Everett, Gotter, and Blue Snow Lakes.
· Entry Point 71 - All permits requesting entry from Canada must be coordinated with the Supervisor’s Office to ensure that parties are not entering a closed area.
The following roads are closed:
· County Highway 7 North at the intersection of 4 mile Grade Rd and all roads and trails north of 4-Mile Grade Rd/170/The Grade Rd.
· Wilson Lake Rd.
· Forest Road 355
· Forest Road 348
· Forest Road 1226
· Forest Road 347
· Forest Road 1238
For more information see: