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Official USFS information on Knife Lake fire conditions

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About 6: 10 PM, Thursday, East Zone Fire  Management  Officer Patti Johnson of the US Forest Service released the following official information about the Knife  Lake Fire.

"We swept the area this morning and found only a handful of groups in there.  We sent out six people today to sweep the area and ensure people move out of the area, and to post the area closed.  They will stay in there and be monitoring to ensure no one goes into the area," Johnson said.
"The last flight today showed little growth this afternoon.  The fire is approximately 500 acres.  The fire has moved into a fire from 2005 to the east and is creeping around in there.  The fire was backing to the north towards Emerald Lake which is where it was most active today," said Johnson.  "The Canadians did put a three-person crew out there today to secure the peninsula area between Knife and Little Knife Lake so it won’t move across there.  They have very few resources to do full suppression on this fire at this time.  They are very busy up there with fires that are threatening communities."