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Northeast zone closes to wolf hunting and trapping Dec. 15

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Wolf hunting and trapping in the northeast zone closed for the remainder of the late season at the end of shooting and trapping hours on Saturday, Dec. 15, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

The closing is the second zone closing in two days. DNR announced Dec. 13 that the east-central zone closed at the end of shooting and trapping hours on Dec. 14.

The northwest zone remains open through Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013, or until its target harvest is reached. Permits are not zone-specific, allowing hunters and trappers to hunt or trap in any open zone.

The harvest target for the northeast zone during the late season is 56 wolves. Fifty-two were registered when DNR initiated season closure on Dec. 14. Nine of 10 were registered in the east-central zone as of Dec. 14.

Hunters and trappers in all zones have registered a total of 123 wolves so far during the late season. The total harvest target for all zones is 253 wolves for the late season.